Wieland SNE 4028S Relay Expansion Unit

The SNE 4028S is a two-channel, crossover-protected expansion device with secure separation of control and output circuits. The device is located in a 45 mm housing and has eight enabling and three messaging current paths. If the power supply is on, the messaging current path Y03/Y04 is conducting. The device has a power unit that makes short-circuit-proof 24 V DC voltage available on terminals S11 and S21. The device has two safety channels, CH1 and CH2, which can be actuated through the terminal connections S12 and S31/S22, for example by a basic device. Control can thus take place through one or two channels and without crossover monitoring. As a result, applications up to PL e/Cat. 4 or SILCL 3 can be built up.

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    Model Product Number Supply Voltage Terminals
    SNE 4028S-A
    R1.188.3120.0 24 VDC Screw Terminals
    R1.188.3510.0 115 – 230 V AC Screw Terminals
    SNE 4028S-C
    R1.188.3540.0 24 VDC Push-in Terminals
    R1.188.3550.0 115 – 230 V AC Push-in Terminals


    Circuit Diagram


    Attribute Value

    Safety rating:

    Up to SIL 3 Category 4 PL e

    Protection rating:

    IP 40 for housing, IP 20 for terminals

    EN ISO 13849-1:2007

    EN 62061:2005

    EN 60204-1

    EN 50178

    Catalogue Extract Technical Data Sheet and Use Manual