Wieland SMS 3000 | Safety Interlocks


The mechanical safety switches in the SMS 2000, SMS 3000 and SMS 4000 series are suitable for the reliable position monitoring of movable guards.

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    Model Contacts Product Number Extraction Force Housing Material Protection Type
    SMS 3010 1 N/C R1.320.3010.0 10 N Reinforced Thermoplastic IP 65
    SMS 3210 1 N/C R1.320.3210.0 30 N Reinforced Thermoplastic IP 65
    SMS 3110 1 N/C R1.320.3110.0 10 N Reinforced Thermoplastic IP 65


    Model Type Product Number
    SMS 9001 Standard (Included with SMS 3xxx, 4xxx) R1.320.9001.0
    SMS 9002 Increased force R1.320.9002.0
    SMS 9003 Radius R1.320.9003.0
    SMS 9004 Standard (Included with SMS 2xxx) R1.320.9004.0

    Thermoplastic GV (UL94-V0) housing material.

    Flexible use with two horizontal or two vertical actuating directions.

    Protection rating of IP 65.

    EN 60947-1

    EN 60947-5-1

    EN ISO 13849-1

    EN 62061

    SMS Product Catalogue Technical Data Sheet and Use Manual