ASO SENTIR Safety Contact Mat

SENTIR safety contact mats are laminar sections which are used to safeguard dangerous areas in the entire industrial and production automation. Stepping on the mat triggers an immediate “stop” signal in order to prevent endangering movements.

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    Part Number Mounting Profile Connecting Plug
    SENTIR Mat 1000mm x 750mm 2 x 0.34 cable sheathing of black PU
    SENTIR Mat 1000mm x 1000mm 2 x 0.34 cable sheathing of black PU
    SENTIR Mat 1000mm x 1500mm 2 x 0.34 cable sheathing of black PU

    Attribute Value
    Protection rating: IP 65
    Dimensions: Up to 2350mm x 1350mm. Larger sizes require connection in series.


    EN ISO 13856-1:2013

    EN ISO 13849-1:2008



    ASO Safety Catelogue Operating/Installation Manual